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In the following articlescase and studies, we look at some real-world examples of how combined heat and power is helping facilities control costs and maintain quality.

The following case studies require Adobe® Acrobat® Reader which is available here.


Case Studies:


Rowand University, New Jersey

New energy complex includes a 3.5 MW and a 1.2 MW Solar turbine units, hybrid chilled water plant including steam-driven chillers and high efficiency steam boilers.

University of Maryland, College Park, MD

A CHP plant drives a chiller plant, produces steam heat and cools water, and meets 90% or more of wintertime electric demand for 16 high energy demand campus buildings.

Hybrid Electric-Steam Chiller Plant Cools Maryland Basketball Arena – College Park, MD

College scores a win by using excess steam from its cogen plant to meet variable cooling load of its multi-purpose facility with electric and steam turbine drive centrifugal chillers.

Motion Picture & Television Fund Hospital – Woodland Hills, CA

Six new gas engine-driven cogeneration modules and a gas engine-driven chiller are helping this LA-area hospital achieve its goals:  keeping the environment clean, maximizing energy efficiency and saving money.

Product Specifications:

Engine Chiller Manufacturers
Company Equipment Type Description

Alturdyne Engine Driven Chillers 30 – 1,100 tons

Tecogen Engine Driven Chillers 25 – 1,000 tons
     Jeff Glick

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Trane Engine Driven Chillers 165-3,950 Tons
     John Szymanski

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York International Engine Driven Chillers 400 to 2,000 Tons
     Sam Chatterton

york_logo.jpg (5157 bytes)

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